US attack on Syria: Russia and Iran against Britain, Japan and Australia and other support

The United States on the implementation of sentencing military attacks in Syria, the media reported that the Chinese Embassy in Syria is also informed that morning the news, and take the appropriate measures. The staff member said that the situation was okay. While the incident aroused strong reaction from Russia, Syria and Iran, criticizing the United States as aggressive and violating international law, the United Kingdom and other US allies support military action.

Syria No. 7 confirms an air base in Holmes. Syria's state-run television station described the behavior of the United States as aggression, and the attack caused the loss.

Holmes Governor Balazi accused the United States and Israel of supporting terrorism, against all forms of aggression, and not believing that Syrian leadership and government policies would change.

Iran and Russia strongly oppose US military strike, Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman pointed out that Putin that the United States sent a cruise missile attack on the Syrian Air Force Base, is a violation of international law, seriously hurt the US-Russian relations, and refers to the United States action is aggressive sovereign state, Putin said that Russia does not believe that Syria has chemical weapons, the United States to take action inevitably on the international fight against terrorism caused serious obstacles.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has also strongly condemned the unilateral military strike by the United States that it would only reverse Syria's terrorists and complicate the situation in Syria and the region.

Britain, Poland, Turkey, Australia, Japan and Saudi Arabia and other countries support the United States on Syria this action. British Defense Minister Fallon said the US military attack on the Syrian air force is to prevent Bashar from further use of chemical weapons, not to start a new military action.

Syria's main opposition national coalition welcomed US military attacks and hoped that the US military would continue to prevent the Syrian government forces from continuing to use prohibited weapons for bombing. The Syrian Human Rights Watch, based in the UK, says the attack killed at least four soldiers, including an officer. But there are reports that the military has been withdrawn before the attack most of the aircraft.
