Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations: The United States does not want to conflict with North Korea

Russian satellite news agency reported on April 19, the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations on April 18 told reporters that the United States did not want to conflict with the DPRK.

"We want to say to North Korea:" The United States does not seek a conflict, so do not try to create a conflict, "she said," North Korea should understand that there should be no reason for us.

Earlier, US Vice President Burns warned in South Korea that "the United States towards the end of the era of strategic patience" has ended, "North Korea should be from the United States against Syria and Afghanistan to see the new US president's strength and determination.

In this regard, the Permanent Representative of the DPRK Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Kim Lilong, held a press conference at the United Nations on the 17th. "If the United States dares to use military options and take pre-emptive strike, the DPRK is ready to do everything. "
