US senior officials: China-Russian military threat to the world beauty will improve their military power

According to the Russian satellite news agency reported on April 28, the US Special Representative of the United Nations Disarmament Commission, Robert Wood told reporters that the modernization of Russia and China's armed forces can threaten the rest of the world, so the United States plans to improve its military strength.

Wood said that Russia's revision of nuclear doctrine, China's efforts to strengthen the military, and Russia and China in various parts of the world to carry out action, the United States, many allies constitute a threat.

He said: "We can not stand by and if they go further and speed up the modernization of the army, it will not only be the United States, but also other countries need to worry about things.We feel no other way, can only take the same approach "

Wood pointed out that the US military modernization is not the goal itself. However, the infrastructure of the US nuclear arsenal is already old and will need to be refurbished at specific times. So the United States will continue to carry out the upgrading of military work.
