French election will meet the "male and female duel" traditional political pattern reshuffle

French politics will be reshuffle - April 23, with the fifth Republic of the 10th presidential election the first round of voting results came out, middle school candidate Mark Long and right-wing people Le Pen won. The half-century left-wing party and the right-wing Republicans, who took turns, were out of the way. How will the French politics be remodeled in the next few years, and the answer will be announced in the May 7th of the "male and female duel".

If the first round of the election election in France has a "historic", it seems not too much. Has never experienced the election baptism of the political star Mark Long to 23.8% of the support rate to obtain the majority of voters support, in one fell swoop into the second round, much into the Elysee Palace of the trend; Le Pang by populism thriving east wind, won 21.5% Votes successfully cut, but whether it will step his father old Le Pang after two rounds out, is still unknown.

Social Party presidential candidate Harmon only won 6% of the vote was first eliminated. And for a long time is expected to win the Conservative candidate Feyon due to involvement in the "empty rate" scandal support rate plummeted, even to win nearly 20% of the votes, but also missed into the second round. Left-wing party candidate Maillang Xiong Although the sudden emergence, but to 19.64% of the weak difference after the Fay Wing ranked fourth.

Analysis pointed out that half a century, rotating the two parties in the first round of the party was eliminated, indicating that the French political landscape has changed, the traditional French politics brought about by the inevitable impact.

Next, it will be two weeks after the second round of the presidential election. The latest poll shows that only 39-year-old Markon was bullish to become the new president of France, while the 48-year-old Le Pang was called by all Republicans to boycott, following his father's old Le Pen in 2002 for the first time in the second round of the French president After the election on the stop, it is likely to face the same outcome.

[Male and female commander is about to play the election program quite opposed]

At present, Mark Long and Le Pen's campaign program, the overall view of considerable opposition, especially in Europe. Le Pen said that once elected, and the EU from the euro zone and the end of the Schengen treaty negotiations, the negotiations are completed on whether the French people to take a referendum in Europe, Le Pang also called for the abolition of the EU free trade treaty. Mark Long suggested that the German election after the end of the European Union launched a democratic consultation, and finally reached a treaty accepted by all member states.

On the issue of immigration, Le Pen advocated the reduction of immigrants to no more than 10,000 people per year, strict conditions for refugee applications. She suggested that all immigrants with criminal records would be automatically deported by France. Mark Long is committed to review the refugee status and appeals to six months. He also promised a corporate employer to recruit young people in a difficult area to receive a prize of 15,000 euros for three years.

In terms of taxation, Le Pang will pay 35% of the tax on moving to foreign enterprises, and to reassign foreign businessmen. Le Pang will reduce the tax on the three lowest taxpayers by 10%. Markron is expected to exempt 80% of the family's housing tax in three years, the rich tax into property tax.

In addition, Markron claims that in 2025 France will reduce 50% of nuclear energy, Le Pang is to defend nuclear energy defense. Le Pen also advocated the ban on gay marriage law, replaced by a civil joint form, allowing fertility-free couples to give birth with medical help, but Markron extended this right to all women.

After the preliminary results of the election, people from all walks of life have to stand. Hollande expresses congratulations to Markron. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Commission President Juncker also congratulated him on his "good luck" in the second round of voting.

The defeated Socialist Party and Republican high-level characters quickly called on their supporters to support Markron. Fillon said he would also vote for Mark Long: "extremism will only bring misfortune and division to France, and there is no alternative but to vote against the right."

French Prime Minister Vals called for a vote for Markron. "Every Frenchman should be aware of the importance of this moment," he said, adding that in the second round of Mark Long and Le Pen's duel, he will continue to vote for Mark Long. "For the sake of France, to be united.

However, there are voices that Mark Long will be a vulnerable French president. European Institute of International Relations geopolitical research leader Tuo Man said that due to the upcoming parliamentary elections in June, Mark Long will be difficult to form a solid government. France has a large group of politicians who want to keep power, but there is a huge disagreement between them and each other, so Markron will be a weak president.

Reuters pointed out that despite the first round of voting in the French election, the extreme right-wing candidate Le Pen performed quite well, but more eye-catching is Mark Long's victory. The centrist independent candidate campaigned in a counterintuitive manner, taking a neat attitude towards globalization, immigration and the European Union, and then victorious.

Opinion polls show that Mark Long or will be in the May 7 second round of the win over Le Pen. If so, France will be expected to start a more ambitious economic reform, and with Germany to reach a compromise, and thoroughly rectify the troubled euro zone. Among the four candidates for the French election, only Markron supported Europe for further integration in the campaign.

However, once elected president, Markron will also face a very serious challenge. Almost half of the French voters voted for the extreme right or the left-wing candidate. These voters are unlikely to support Mark Long's idea of ​​liberal democracy, and France may thus become a heavily divided country.

The European economy has been recovering after years of downturn, but several years of financial turmoil have exposed the flaws in the regional structure, making experts think that the impact of future fights. Peterson Institute of International Economics, senior researcher Zetalmier said that if Mark Long was elected, there may be a "unique historical opportunity."
