The Indian media proposed to use the Dalai Lama to name the Chinese embassy in front of the road to fight against China

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs recently announced the addition of six places in southern Tibet, the use of geographical names in India, aroused strong reaction. India's "First Post" reporter Prakash Nanda 22 in the newspaper wrote that his neighbor Raji Fu heard this after the very angry, questioned why the media on these threats to China to carry out a substantial coverage. As a counterattack, he suggested that the Chinese Embassy in India before the Sandipus Road to "Dalai Lama Road." Prakash Nanda said he shared the proposal with friends on Facebook and was warmly echoed by some Indian civil servants, diplomats, officers, security experts, professors and senior journalists. They argue that this approach is viable and claims that it is a great "innovative idea" because the address of the Chinese embassy would have to be written as the New Delhi "Dalai Lama Road".

Prakash Nanda often writes articles about India-China relations, but is not a supporter of friendly relations between the two countries. In November last year, he issued an article saying, "the Dalai Lama is India's strategic assets, to use in relations with China."

In his 22nd article, he discussed how "India should deal with a hostile China", "Gandhi" is a good diplomatic tool. The rising China is reflected in economic strength, especially in foreign exchange reserves. So the use of Gandhi approach, boycott of Chinese goods, will constitute a huge impact on China. Prakash Nanda said that now this strategy has a more diplomatic tool - to the road renamed.

"This reflects the Indian in China published in southern China on the issue of geographical names on a certain mood," China Southern Asia Institute of Managing Director Qian Feng 23, "Global Times" reporter said that some people, including the official private dissatisfaction with China, but It is difficult to rise to the official formal level and the actual operational level. If the Indian government really adopted that proposal, it means that from the release of dissatisfaction rose to open to China, the consequences will be very serious. Moreover, the Chinese embassy in front of the road not only the Chinese embassy, ​​there are many other countries of the embassy.
