Egyptian President Sessions announced that Egypt would enter a state of emergency

Egyptian President Sessions on the evening of 9 issued a television speech, announced that Egypt will enter a period of three months of emergency.

Egypt's northern city of Tanta and Alexander 9 were attacked against the church, respectively, has caused 44 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured. Extreme organization "Islamic states" claimed to have created these two bombings.

Cassi held a meeting of the National Defense Council that night and made a televised speech after the meeting saying that Egypt would enter a state of emergency in the next three months in accordance with the constitutional procedure.

Cessie also said that Egypt will set up the supreme committee responsible for counter-terrorism and anti-extremism, and will be given sufficient authority in accordance with the law.

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Health news, the northern city of Tanta and Alexandria, 9, respectively, occurred against the church bombing, killing at least 43 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured. The multinational condemned the attacks.

Tanta is about 94 kilometers north of Cairo and is the fifth largest city in Egypt. The explosion of a local church was caused by explosives under the church seat. On the day of the incident, about 1,000 people attended the mass held in the church. The current death toll has risen to 27 and another 78 have been injured.

Three hours later, a church in Alexandria, a port city of northern Egypt, was attacked by a suicide bombing. An attacker who was armed with explosives detonated explosives outside the church. At the time of the explosion, the bishop of the Coptic sect, Tawadlos II, was chaired in the church and was not injured in the explosion. The attack had killed 16 civilians and 41 wounded. At present, the attack near the church filled with angry crowd, the local police in the field to maintain order.

Extreme organization "Islamic state" through Amak News Agency declared that the two sides of the church were responsible for the explosion attack. In December 2016, a Coptic church in the Absiye district of Cairo was bombed, killing 29 people. The "Islamic State" declared responsibility for the attack.

After the explosion, Egyptian President Sessions issued a statement saying he would take the necessary measures to ensure the treatment of the wounded while strengthening the investigation and arresting the attackers. He said that the terrorist attacks aimed at destabilizing Egypt, the Egyptian people will not hesitate to resist evil forces.

Egyptian Prime Minister Ismail then condolences to the families and victims of the victims, saying that the terrorist attacks will not shake Egypt's determination to clear terrorism.

The United States, France, Kuwait and Iraq and the Roman Pope Francis Francis condemned the two attacks. Pope Francis Francis was originally scheduled to visit Egypt this month and has not yet made a statement on whether to change the itinerary.
