The Japanese government announced that the missile response law called on nationals to hide in the underground passage

According to Japanese media reports, the Japanese government announced on the 21st of this month, ballistic missiles may fall on the domestic response should be taken to call the people in the outdoor "as much as possible to hide in a solid building or underground passage"

It is reported that the outdoor coping method also includes, when there is no suitable refuge near the place, "hide under the shadow of the object, or lie down and protect the head" and so on.

On the same day, the Japanese Cabinet Office and the General Affairs Department Fire Department jointly hosted a briefing in Tokyo, bringing together about 70 people in the prefectural government. "The people 's attention has risen," he said, adding that the people' s attention will rise.

(J-ALERT), disaster prevention administrative radio, emergency newsletter, etc., it is also required to publish and notify all municipalities and towns on the local government homepage. The

It was further noted that it was necessary to carry out evacuation training for residents who envisaged missile trips, requiring the prefectures to envisage training close to the actual situation, for example, if the residents had no time to hide in the room or let the people who were driving the car also attend. The cost is borne by the central government.

It is reported that the Japanese central government in the cabinet official room "National Protection Portal" published on how the national response should be the way.
