US Carl - Vincent aircraft carrier attack group will arrive on the Korean Peninsula

According to the Japanese media reported on the 12th, docked in Yokosuka, Japan, the United States, "Reagan" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and four Aegis ship, the cruiser will be the end of April bounded by the waters of South Korea, count has been folded back "Carl Vincent "Aircraft carrier and other ships, the US Pacific aircraft carrier combat force will appear in half of the Korean Peninsula.

April 10, the original plan to go to Australia, "Carl Vincent" aircraft carrier attack group once again toward the Korean Peninsula waters, is expected to arrive on the 15th.

"American" amphibious assault ship is rushed to Korea

In fact, the next few months in the waters of the Korean Peninsula, never only "Carl Vinson" aircraft carrier. The amphibious assault ship of the "American" is also on its way to Korea.

The recent US three aircraft carrier or associate peninsula waters

In addition, another mother of the United States on the west coast of the aircraft carrier - "Nimitz" is currently stepping up the formation of contract training - after the completion of the established training program, will also be in the next few months out of the Pacific The In other words, the next few months, in the waters around the Korean Peninsula, there may be double aircraft carrier, and even three aircraft carrier at the same time the situation. If it really formed three aircraft carrier battle group, then it is a combat formation. In recent years, the United States has repeatedly to the East Asian region additional aircraft carrier. The largest one is the end of 2010, when the bombardment due to Yin Ping Island, the situation in North Korea in a state of explosive, the United States has urgently deployed the "Reagan", "Washington" and "Carl Vincent" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to East Asia Sea area.
