Russian Iran warns the United States: if you will respond to Syria

Russia, Iran issued a statement warned the United States, saying that the US action against Syria has exceeded the bottom line, if the United States and then to Syria and then military action, will respond to strengthen support for Syria. The statement was made by Russia, Iran and the militia supporting Syrian President Bashar.

Satellite News Agency quoted the Kremlin on April 9 news that the Iranian side proposed that the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Luhanyi held telephone talks, the two leaders exchanged views on the Syrian situation. Both sides point out that the United States' s act of aggression against sovereign States undermines the norms of international law is an unacceptable aggression. The two sides stressed the importance of continued close cooperation in the use of political and diplomatic means to mediate the Syrian conflict. The two sides asked to investigate the chemical weapons incident in Syria, but stressed that the investigation should be objective and should not be preconceived.

After the military attack on the Syrian Holmes province of Shayat military airport.
On April 7, the US military launched a crackdown on a Syrian air force base in Holmes, and the US Navy destroyer fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles. The United States claimed that the launch of the base from the city of Idlibu launched a chemical attack. Syrian Holmes governor Balaz said the US attack killed seven people, including five soldiers and two air bases near the village of civilians. According to the Russian Defense Ministry news that two Syrian soldiers were missing, four people were killed, six people burned in the fire. Syria said that there are 10 Syrian soldiers died.

Figure / Syrian chemical weapons caused the man 20 relatives died
Syria Iraqi De Libu 4 days of chemical weapons incidents caused serious casualties, causing the international community a strong concern. The United States and other Western countries and the Syrian opposition accused the Syrian army to implement the attack, but the Syrian and foreign ministries firmly denied the relevant accusations, and said the Syrian military does not have the chemical weapons. The United Nations Syrian Weapons Facts Fact Sheet has announced that it has begun to collect relevant information to determine whether a chemical attack has occurred.
