French people march against Markron: In order to prevent the extreme right to choose him

French presidential president, Mark Long, was elected by high vote on the 7th French general election, but many voters were simply "trying to prevent the right-wing right" and did not support his idea. After the election, other camp supporters quickly crossed the line with Mark Long, the left group recently held in the eastern part of Paris parade, protest against Markron's platform to harm workers' rights. Part of the masked demonstrators divided into groups and the police broke out in conflict, the police to tear gas to disperse.

Mark Long and his wife, Brigitte, celebrated the victory at the Louvre in Paris. <a the target=\'_blank'' href=\'\\> CCK </a> Reporter Long Jianwu photo
Mark Long and his wife, Brigitte, celebrated the victory at the Louvre in Paris. China News Agency reporter Long Jianwu photo
"Social front" is one of the organizations that launched the Paris parade, which claims to be on social networking sites that Markron is preparing to pursue anti-social policies calling the leftists to stop. Participating in demonstrations include trade unions, leftists, anti-fascism and anarchists. Demonstrators began to write "Mark Long is the CEO, not the president", "to the new labor reform that", "this is the country, not the company" and other slogans.

4 Many voters believe that the second round of the French election is "two evils light", Ipsos poll found that Mark Long received 66% of the votes, as many as 40 percentage points is purely to stop Le Pen , Really support him only 20 percentage points.

Many parliamentarians have indicated that they have not voted. A woman said she was not willing to vote for Mark Long, so it is necessary to express their feelings on the street. Reported that the police force to the demonstrators, even the reporter was also affected, the Russian satellite network in France, the reporter claimed that the police "see people hit" and snatched his helmet, almost broke his phone.

Paris time on the evening of May 7, the French presidential election second round of the preliminary vote results show that the middle of the independent candidates, "forward" movement leader Emmanuel Markron to a substantial advantage to beat the extreme right political party "National Front "Candidate Marina Le Pen. Only 39-year-old Mark Long became the youngest president of French history, has become the world's youngest leader of the great powers. The picture shows Markron's supporters cheering after learning that Markron's election. <a the target=\'_blank'' href=\'\\> CCK </a> Reporter Long Jianwu photo
Paris May 7 evening, the middle of the independent candidates, "forward" campaign leader Emmanuel Markron to a substantial advantage to beat the far right-wing political party "National Front" candidate Marina Le Pen. Only 39-year-old Mark Long became the youngest president of French history, has become the world's youngest leader of the great powers. The picture shows Markron's supporters cheering after learning that Markron's election. China News Agency reporter Long Jianwu photo
France has a high unemployment rate and an economic downturn. Markron has proposed liberal economic policies such as easing part of labor laws, reducing layoffs, and allowing businesses to work directly with employees. Left-wing groups are concerned that these measures will lead to more difficult French workers.

Analysts believe that Mark Long to the smooth implementation of economic reform, he founded the "forward republic" must be in the June parliamentary elections to win the absolute majority, he also personally selected a close with his idea of ​​the Prime Minister, or he will be tied Feet, and even forced to cooperate with other political parties, so that he became a decent president.

Initial polls show that the "forward republic" is expected to become the next largest party in Congress, but given the full list of candidates has not yet released, it is too early to assert that it can take the majority of seats.
