DPRK ambassador to the UK: North Korea will choose the sixth nuclear test

According to Sky News, the DPRK ambassador to the United Kingdom said in an interview with Sky News that his country would conduct its sixth nuclear test at the time and place chosen by its leader.

In his first interview with Ambassador Choi, he said North Korea would ignore the warnings of the international community towards the continuation of its ballistic missiles and nuclear programs and that the United Nations had no legal basis for sanctions and had no effect on the implementation of the nuclear test program The

"On the sixth nuclear test, I do not know the specific time because I was in the UK, not in my country," said Ambassador Cui. "But I can say that the nuclear test will take place at the time and time we decided by our top leader Kim Jong-un."

During the interview, the news agency asked Cui, worried about the movements of US military action, and the US government under the leadership of Donald Trump has now incorporated military action against the DPRK nuclear issue into consideration. In response to this question, Ambassador Cui said: "If we are afraid, we may not start a nuclear test or launch a ballistic missile." He added: "We are developing our nuclear forces to deal with US attacks, Attack us, our army and people will be prepared to deal with any attack.

He also said it would be impossible to pre-empt the strike against North Korea, because once there were signs that North Korea was attacked, they would "turn the assets of the United States into ashes" in the region. "The United States can not attack us first," said Ambassador Cui. "If the United States dares to step by step, then we are going to turn any of the available strategic advantages of the United States into ashes."

In this interview, this is a rare and frank interview, the bottom line is clear, that is, regardless of the consequences, North Korea intends to continue to pursue nuclear weapons.
