British minister: Britain will not pay 100 billion euros off for Europe "breakup fee"

Earlier, the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker confirmed that Brussels intends to pay about 60 billion euros to London after the start of the European negotiations. At the same time, the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tanyani, is convinced that the United Kingdom should pay tens of billions of euros to the EU, which is included in the EU budget, which includes payments after the completion of the " Of the money.

May 3, the Financial Times reported that Brussels raised its financial requirements, the current assessment of the British off the European financial obligations of up to 100 billion euros.

Davis told an independent British television interview, "Britain will not pay 100 billion. We should do is to discuss all the power and obligation in detail."

Photo: British Prime Minister Teresa May. Photo: British Prime Minister Teresa May.
British Prime Minister Teresa May promised to keep a consistent and unwavering defense of the rights and interests of British citizens in the European negotiations, noting that the negotiations would be tough.

June 23, 2016 British citizens through the referendum decided to withdraw from the EU. London on March 29 this year, officially launched the European process, and to the Council of Europe President Donald Tusk submitted a letter containing the relevant notice. Britain should be divorced from the European Union on March 29, 2019.
