North Korea held a parade that has the world's most powerful defense force

North Korea on the 15th in Pyongyang to commemorate the 105th anniversary of Kim Il Sung's parade and mass parade, and show North Korea's most advanced missile equipment.

Parade-style "Lightning" air defense missiles and "Polaris-2" submarine-launched medium-range ballistic missiles can hit 100 km and 1000 km outside the target, is the DPRK People's Army air defense and remote strategy to combat the most advanced weapons.

North Korea's top leader Kim Jong-un and all the party and government leaders attended the parade, hundreds of foreign guests from around the world, diplomatic envoys in various countries, overseas Korean representatives watched the parade. Dozens of foreign journalists reported in the field. The parade and mass parade lasted for three hours.

North Korea's central television station said in the live, North Korea has a nuclear strike capability, is ready to deal with any provocation of the enemy. Under the leadership of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong-un, North Korea already has the world's most powerful defense force.

The DPRK People's Army General Staff General said on the eve of the parade that the United States Trump authorities to the war toward the war has been unable to be ignored, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has been extremely serious. If the United States dares to provoke, North Korea will give the most severe fight back. North Korea also advises the United States to choose the right way to solve the problem.
