American eyes can not understand the Chinese "bad habits"

Thousands of years of history of the Chinese nation so far, to retain a lot of fine traditions industrious, simple, brave and so on. With a superior advantage of the Chinese to the United States, but with the American culture to wipe the gorgeous sparks, today to tell you a few Chinese and Western cultures hit a wonderful fire of the fire.
The following list of five foreigners in the eyes of the most beautiful Chinese habits:
▌ first name: into the house to take off your shoes

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Americans are particularly unable to understand the habit, so that some foreigners before committing the crime, specifically investigate the door there is no shoes, some words "This is certainly the Chinese house!" And the Chinese house which most of the cash and jewelry, For example, is undoubtedly opened the treasure house!
And why foreigners do not take off his shoes into the house?
First, they do not "change slippers" concept;
Second, the Americans go to the very place to drive, from the car down is already inside the house garage, and follow the living room to the dining room no different, you go from the living room to the dining room to change shoes?
Third, off the shoes into the house with foot odor, unsanitary, not polite;
Fourth, the United States as long as not bad weather, the environment is relatively clean, do not take off shoes for shoes, and even wear shoes to bed can not feel dirty;
Fifth, safe, if the floor is broken glass or something, will not step on the soles of the feet.
▌ second: brush your teeth to use the cup

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In the eyes of foreigners Chinese mouthwash brushing even use the cup? The ...
All the foreigners do not have to wash their teeth! Americans directly with the mouth to the faucet where the water brushing teeth mouthwash, brushing the water of the faucet did not stop.
Even without any advertising education: brush your teeth with a cup, you can save a lot of water? The
▌ third name: rich or poor?

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American students can not understand is that it is not clear how many Chinese people in the United States are rich or poor:
For example, a BMW X5 open the Chinese people, rich, right? But even saw him drove the BMW to the government to the poor relief food. In Chinatown, also often see the government to pay relief of low-income poor coupons card, buy lobster abalone to eat the Chinese people.
In addition, the American students also saw eating the instant noodles, living the worst hotel, to participate in low-cost tour of the Chinese people, but generous to buy a lot of expensive bags, watches and so on.
There are reluctant to pay a cable TV, would rather over the wall to see the domestic website to play the US drama; the use of domestic piracy software, the annual income of more than 200,000 US dollars of Chinese computer engineers, but also to the United States students can not understand the wonderful work.
▌ fourth: eat any food with bones

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Americans eat fish can not have half of the fish bone, or definitely trouble. Therefore, to see the Chinese people can eat bones of the fish, but also spit out the bones, feel incredible.
Similarly, to deal with the bones of the part, like chicken feet, head and head and the like, but also the Americans from the wonderful food, can not accept.
▌ fifth name: morning do not take a bath at night only feet

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American students found that the Chinese people in the morning did not shower nor shampoo. And some Chinese even did not even take a bath at night, only feet, feel super wonderful work. Americans can not stand the morning out of the hair mess, wake up in the morning, wash a shower, then wash your hair, so refreshing spirit, and the hair can also sort out very well.
This five foreigners can not understand, perhaps this is the two countries national conditions, cultural differences caused. However, tolerance is the true meaning!
