Russia has announced that it will sign an order with NATO

"From July this year, the Russian armed forces will expand the total strength of 1.9 million." Despite the severe economic pressure, but in Russia and NATO confrontation intensified in the context of Russia announced the latest military expansion plan. The expansion plan has been widely supported by Russian experts, the Russian military plan that Russia is ready to military and NATO "head-on".

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an order to extend the Russian armed forces to 190.3 million from July this year, of which 1.01 million are active dutyers, which will take effect immediately from the date of signing. In June last year, the Russian armed forces compiled the number of 188.5 million people in a year's time the Russian armed forces will increase by nearly 18,000 people. Russian Defense Ministry sources explained that the increase in the number of soldiers is due to the Russian Federal Construction Bureau into the Department of Defense, the agency has 13,000 people. Putin signed an order on the 30th, this spring will be recruited 14,200 people enlisted.

Russian experts generally support the expansion plan. Russian People's News Network reported on the 30th, experts agreed that the Russian military expansion and the NATO threat. Recently, NATO has continued to build troops in Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries, while the United States and other NATO countries to further increase military spending. In this situation, Russia must not slack off. "All of our opponents are strengthening their own strength, and we must not lag behind," said Dean Ivashov, dean of the Russian Institute of Geopolitical Studies. "Putin 's decision is a response to NATO.

On the 28th, the European Allied Supreme Commander and Commander of the European Command of the US Army Commander Scapalropi said at the US Congress hearing that in order to contain Russia, the need to deploy an American armored division and additional naval forces in Europe and the fifth generation Fighter. Russia's State Duma Defense Committee Chairman Yuri Shweitkin said that Russia is currently facing a new military threat to NATO, should not turn a blind eye to this. Russia is currently strengthening the military deployment of the Arctic region, due to NATO's interference in the Ukrainian conflict, Russia must strengthen the southwest border protection. In addition, due to instability in the Caucasus region, but also to strengthen the protection of the southern direction, while the border with the Ukrainian territory to form a new force. Middle East and Central Asia, the situation is also forced to force Russia to expand troops. Of course, we must also consider the country's economic situation, large-scale military expansion is not necessary. Russian military expert Alexei Leonekov said that Russia began to form a new force in the direction of potential threats. The current "ball" "Fort" anti-ship missile has been deployed to the South Kuril Islands, Russia also plans to set up a new division in the archipelago. At the same time, "Iskander" missiles are also deployed to Kaliningrad state, all of these weapons systems need to add manpower to control.

Russia "free media" reported on the 30th, the current total strength of the Russian military ranks fifth in the world. China ranks first, more than 2 million people, followed by the United States, India and North Korea. Russian retired Colonel Victor Litov Gold said that the Russian territorial area, the number of Russian troops is indeed not much. In contrast to this scale, the army must be equipped with more advanced weapons and equipment. Now the number of Russian troops is appropriate, but also for the country's economic capacity. Russia has more than 400 million reserve soldiers, when the war, this is also an important force.
