
Showing posts from March, 2017

Russia has announced that it will sign an order with NATO

"From July this year, the Russian armed forces will expand the total strength of 1.9 million." Despite the severe economic pressure, but in Russia and NATO confrontation intensified in the context of Russia announced the latest military expansion plan. The expansion plan has been widely supported by Russian experts, the Russian military plan that Russia is ready to military and NATO "head-on". Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an order to extend the Russian armed forces to 190.3 million from July this year, of which 1.01 million are active dutyers, which will take effect immediately from the date of signing. In June last year, the Russian armed forces compiled the number of 188.5 million people in a year's time the Russian armed forces will increase by nearly 18,000 people. Russian Defense Ministry sources explained that the increase in the number of soldiers is due to the Russian Federal Construction Bureau into the Department of Defense, the age

Malaysia will return the remains of Kim Jong-nam

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib said Wednesday that Malaysian citizens who had previously been banned from departure had been allowed to leave North Korea, and that Malaysia would allow Malaysian citizens to leave and return the remains of Korean men.

Putin ordered: the Russian armed forces increased to 1.9 million

Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, has signed an order to raise the overall capacity of the Russian armed forces to 1.9 million since July 1, the Russian government said in a statement. The order also states that the number of standing soldiers should exceed one million. The contents of the last relevant order show that the Russian armed forces capacity of 188 million. At present, the Russian army contains both professional soldiers, but also mainly responsible for the completion of the work of the civilian staff.

The Scottish Parliament supports the holding of a second independent referendum

The Scottish Parliament voted on the 28th, and most of the parliamentarians supported the proposal of the second independent referendum proposed by the Scottish government chief minister and the ruling party Scottish National Party leader, The vote for the day was 69 votes to support, 59 votes against, but the proposal must be approved by the British government before the formal implementation. The British government has said that in the "off the European" process before the completion of an independent referendum against Scotland. The Scottish Parliament voted to be scheduled last week because of delays in London's fear of terror. Sterkin's plan was to hold an independent referendum between the fall of 2018 and the spring of 2019, that is, before the British was formally divorced from the European Union. In a debate before the parliament, Stuart said she was not seeking confrontation with the British government, but wanted to be able to "rationally discuss

Park Jiu-hui will be subject to a review or sentenced to more than 10 years in prison

According to Yonhap news agency reported that local time at 10:30 on the 30th, South Korea's former president Park Ji-hui will be subject to arrest review, whether the arrest or in the morning of March 31 to see the outcome. South Korea's judiciary sources said the former president of the arrest of Park Ji-hui will be subject to the necessity of arrest review, if convicted of prosecution, may be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment or life imprisonment. Park Jiu-hui (left) and her good faith Cui Shun real. (Source: Korea Associated Press) According to South Korea on the specific crime of aggravating the punishment of the law, more than 100 million won by bribes can be sentenced to life imprisonment. The judiciary generally agreed that Park Ji-hui was sentenced to imprisonment more likely. Such as a period of time, Park Ji-hui up to 45 years. Park Jiu-hui was found guilty of a total of 43 billion won (about 260 million yuan), and Cui Shunshi was arrested for receiving 30 bil